Death of an Octogenarian
From a news paper cutting without name or origins.
February, 1907 Bexhill On Sea, Sussex, England
Forty Years Manager of Preston Farm
It is with regret that we record death of Thomas Errey, of Preston Cottage, Sidley, which occurred on Saturday last after a short illness.
The deceased was born at Warbleton 86 years ago, and for many years he resided at Lunsford Cross, while he had been at Preston Cottage for nearly 40 years.
He was the manager of Preston Farm for that period, but owing to failing sight he lived in retirement for the last few years. He was very hale and hearty, considering his age, and only took to his bed about a week previous to his death. He leaves seven sons and one daughter, and between 70-80 grand and great grandchildren.
The funeral took place on Thursday at Church Green Cemetery, Rev R. B. Dunlop being the officiating clergyman. The mourners were Mr Tomas Errey, Mr George Errey, Mr & Mrs Joseph Errey, Mr & Mrs George Cramp, Mr & Mrs James Errey, Mr & Mrs Charles Errey, Mr & Mrs Frederick Errey, Mrs Owers, Mrs Rowlond, Mr Joseph Cramp, Mr & Mrs G. Whymark, Mr & Mrs Henry Dyer, Mrs Peirson, Miss Nina Errey, Mr Regie Errey, Mr James Errey, Mr John Errey, Mr David Errey, Mr & Mrs Clifton, Councillor J. D. Atchison, Mr G. Noakes, Mr Frederick Wood and Miss Gurr.
The coffin was of polished Elm with black furniture, and a plate bore the inscription.
“Thomas Errey”
“Died 16 February 1907”
“Age 86 years”
The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr F. W. Parker, of Belle Hill, Bexhill.
See a large three generation tree of Thomas Errey 1820-1907 without photo’s.
See a large three generation tree of Thomas Errey 1820-1907 with photo’s where I have them.
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